MATD81 - Redes de Sensores sem Fio

Ementa: Introdução a redes de sensores sem fio (RSSF). Arquitetura de protocolos de RSSF. Protocolos de controle de acesso ao meio. Roteamento. RSSF industriais. RSSF subaquáticas.
1. T.S.Rappaport. Wireless Communications - Principles and Practice - 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. 2001
2. T.H.Cormen, C.E.Leiserson, R.L.Rivest, C.Stein. Introduction to Algorithms - 2nd Edition. McGraw?-Hill. 2003
3. Artigos:I.F.Akyildiz, W.Su, Y.Sankarasubramaniam, E.Cayirci. A Survey on Sensor Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine. Vol.40, Nr.8. August, 2002
W.Ye, J.Heidemann, D.Estrin. An Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the INFOCOM - Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. 2002
M.Buettner, G.V.Yee, E.Anderson, R.Han. "X-MAC: A Short Preamble MAC Protocol for Duty-Cycle Wireless Sensor Networks". Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys?). Colorado, USA. 2006
I.Chlamtac, S.Kutten. On Broadcasting in Radio Networks - Problem Analysis and Protocol Design. IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol. 33, Nr. 12. 1985
V.Rajendran, K.Obraczka, J.J.Garcia-Luna-Aceves. Energy-Efficient, Collision-Free Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys?). November, 2003.
P.A.Humblet. A Distributed Algorithm for Minimum Weight Directed Spanning Tree. IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol. C-31, Nr. 6. 1983
M.Khan, G.Pandurangan, V.S.A.Kumar. Distributed Algorithms for Constructing Approximate Minimum Spanning Trees in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol. 20, Nr.1. 2009
L.Li, J.Y.Halpern, P.Bahl, Y.-M.Wang, R.Wattenhofer. A Cone-based Distributed Topology-Control Algorithm for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Vol. 13, Nr. 1. 2002
M.Couture, M.Barbeau, P.Bose, E.Kranakis. Incremental Construction of k-Dominating Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks. Vol. 5, Nr.1-2. 2008
F.Kuhn, T.Moscibroda, R.Wattenhofer. Fault-Tolerant Clustering in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). Lisbon, Portugal. July, 2006
I.Papadimitriou, L.Georgiadis. Minimum-Energy Broadcasting in Multi-hop Wireless Networks Using a Single Broadcast Tree. Mobile Networks and Applications. Vol.11, Nr.3. June, 2006
F.Ingelrest, D.Simplot-Ryl, I.Stojmenovic. Optimal Transmission Radius for Energy Efficient Broadcasting Protocols in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol.17, Nr.6. June, 2006