ENGL24 - Visão Computacional e Reconhecimento de Padrões

Ementa: Sistemas de visão artificial. Organização perceptual de objetos em imagens: cor, textura, contorno, Gestalt features, histograma. Classificadores. Compreensão de cenas em imagens.
C. Bishop, Pattern recognition, Springer, 2006
R. Duda, P. Hart and D. Stork, Pattern classification, John Wiley and Sons, 1999
M. Nixon and A. Aguado, Feature extraction and image processing, Elsevier, 2002
R. Duda and P. Hart, Pattern classification and scene analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 1973
T. Acharya and A. Ray, Image processing: Principles and applications, John Wiley and Sons, 2005
D. Marr, Vision, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1982
A. Webb, Statistical pattern recognition, John Wiley and Sons, 2002
L. Kuncheva, Combining pattern classifiers: methods and algorithms, Wiley, 2004
J. Russ, The image processing handbook, CRC press, 2006